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QUESTION: I watched Mark Scirto at KLTV Channel 7 reporting that Longview has received 2.9 inches of rain (on Monday). I emptied 8 inches from my gauge at 6 p.m. How do news providers source that information?

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QUESTION: Is the indoor pool at the Paula Martin Jones Recreation Center available for recreational use? Can people buy a day pass to use the pool? Could the city consider charging a 性视界传媒減ool only性视界传媒 access rate?

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QUESTION:聽Why do you, after you性视界传媒檝e been driving since you were 14 years old and you性视界传媒檙e fixing to turn 79, have to provide proof of your citizenship and that you have a Social Security card to renew your driver性视界传媒檚 license?

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QUESTION: I was wondering why the Gregg County Commissioners Court is not broadcasted like Longview city meetings? Gregg County said you had to be a subscriber to Longview Cable in order to watch the meeting. Longview city gives you numerous ways to watch their meeting.

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QUESTION: How can a convicted felon run for president when a convicted felon can性视界传媒檛 even vote? He surely can性视界传媒檛 vote for himself. I am sure a lot of people would like the answer to this question.

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QUESTION: Why are there some kind of officers directing traffic around the University of Texas at Tyler Longview University Academy? They性视界传媒檙e blocking traffic from entering the turn lane.

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QUESTION: Why doesn性视界传媒檛 the city do something about getting chess tables with benches at some of the city parks? It性视界传媒檚 good for the elderly and the ones who just want to do something or meet others with the same hobby. They性视界传媒檙e doing a lot on the trails and pickleball stuff. Do something for the…

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QUESTION: A student in Kilgore College性视界传媒檚 surgical technology program was told in December that classes in the program are not accredited through Kilgore College so students can性视界传媒檛 take the state licensing test. The student supposedly was told they can get a certificate but won性视界传媒檛 have the stat…

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QUESTION: I saw the city was talking about how the Longview Swim Center needs a new liner in both pools and that性视界传媒檚 why it can性视界传媒檛 open this summer. The pool at the Paula Martin Jones Recreation Center also needs a pool liner. Has the city of Longview evaluated the pool?

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QUESTION: I have heard or read that we will stop having car inspections next year. If this is true, why are we doing this? Our highways and streets are dangerous enough. We need these inspections for our safety.

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QUESTION:聽I am in my mid-70s. My significant other is in his early-to-mid 80s. He was recently notified that his driver性视界传媒檚 license needed renewing so he took a younger neighbor with him to get it renewed.

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QUESTION: I know Tem Carpenter, but you didn性视界传媒檛 provide information as to Kristin Ishihara性视界传媒檚 hometown. You did say she moved here in 2006 but from where? What brought her and her husband to Longview?

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QUESTION: How much money does Longview ISD receive from the state under its three SB 1882 charters annually that operate all campuses? What other East Texas districts are SB 1882 charters and receive this additional funding?

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QUESTION: There is a man who appears to be living on a corner in downtown Longview. There's a bench at the corner of Green and Whaley where he is keeping all of his stuff, including a scooter. Why hasn't the police department done something about it?

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QUESTION:聽How much of our recycling goes into the secondary processes for items that have been recycled or are they, now that China is no longer receiving our recyclables, are they just put into the dump?

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QUESTION: Is the Iowa test still what is used to determine whether a student qualifies to attend Hudson PEP? And, if so, what score (or scores) is required to qualify for admission?

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QUESTION:聽Do judges get called for jury duty? What about people who work in the district attorney性视界传媒檚 office?

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QUESTION: I live close to Cargill Long Trail. The city has been clear cutting from Alpine Road going north along the trail, and they性视界传媒檙e doing it in a real funky way. They性视界传媒檙e cutting it back from the park. What they性视界传媒檙e doing they don性视界传媒檛 need to do it all.

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QUESTION: Regarding the May Longview ISD bond election: Would LISD be able to use any unspent money from the largest proposition to pay for items not passed by voters?

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QUESTION: Another trip to Longview on Highway 31 for doctor性视界传媒檚 appointment and lunch: I saw trash everywhere I looked. Will you, by mentioning my complaint in your newspaper, draw attention to this subject to get something positive done to clean Texas 31?

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QUESTION:聽Early in the pandemic, people who had COVID-19 were being asked to donate plasma to help make convalescent plasma to help treat other people who became seriously ill with COVID-19. Is that still needed? Is that treatment still being used?

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QUESTION:聽The Supreme Court recently ruled that the Peace Cross in Bladensburg, Maryland, could stand at its location where it性视界传媒檚 been since World War I. There性视界传媒檚 been several picture of it that show the top 3 or 4 feet with a covering over it. Why is that covering there? What性视界传媒檚 under it that性视界传媒檚 not going to be shown?

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QUESTION: Could you remind people that they have to file for mail-in ballots every year? I thought you just had to file once and never again, and I just learned you have to file every year.