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QUESTION:聽We were coming down the Spur the other day and noticed right where you get to the intersection of South Street and you go straight and you turn left and you go down the Spur 性视界传媒 they性视界传媒檝e got the signs wrong.

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QUESTION:聽When I looked online, I saw that the Wichita, Tawakoni, Kitsai and Caddo Indians had once settled in the East Texas area. There was no mention of the Cherokee Indians. I know that there are lakes named after regional Indian tribes. Why was the name Cherokee selected for Lake Cherokee? Who named it?

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QUESTION:聽I性视界传媒檝e seen a man driving a motorcycle around Longview, towing a small, flat trailer. There性视界传媒檚 a dog standing, balancing on the back of the trailer. Is that legal?

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QUESTION:聽We recently held a large catered event at a local facility and were told because of health regulations we could not donate the extra food that was not served to the local mission.

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QUESTION:聽I性视界传媒檓 watching the Army vs. Navy football game and I noticed some women cheerleaders along the sidelines with their pompons and all. Are these students at the academy or are these young girls who come in to help at the ballgame?

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QUESTION:聽In Friday性视界传媒檚 paper, there was an article about criminals installing credit card skimmers in gas pumps. The station where I usually get gas has red tape on the pumps with instructions to inform the attendant if the tape is broken.

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QUESTION:聽I currently live in an apartment community in North Longview. I and other people living in the complex have had some run-ins with foxes that live in the woods near our community.

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QUESTION: I was at the Texas Department of Public Safety office last week. I needed to renew my driver性视界传媒檚 license. I couldn性视界传媒檛 believe my eyes seeing all those people sitting and standing in that tiny little waiting area.聽

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QUESTION:聽I have a checking account at a bank in Longview, and since March 15, I性视界传媒檝e had almost $3,000 in my account that I did not deposit. They have not taken it back.

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QUESTION:聽I性视界传媒檝e heard of 性视界传媒渓emon laws性视界传媒 in Texas for cars, but is there anything along those lines protecting consumers for large appliance purchases, such as refrigerators, oven ranges, etc.?

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QUESTION: I remember back in the early 性视界传媒50s, middle 性视界传媒50s, the store Perkins. They had the first attended elevator I was ever in. Was it the first elevator in a retail store in Longview? The lady who ran the elevator was excellent.

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QUESTION:聽I was reading an article in the April 1 edition of the newspaper about someone pleading guilty to drug trafficking before a U.S. magistrate judge. I性视界传媒檓 not familiar with that term. What is a U.S. magistrate judge?

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QUESTION: I moved to Longview from another city that had a program where volunteers helped the police department by patrolling the city too. Does Longview have anything similar?

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QUESTION: I've noticed that the road into the Christus Good Shepherd complex off Hawkins Parkway has a blue street sign for Good Shepherd Way. Why?

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QUESTION: Many people have needed to cross the High Street bridge daily in Longview for many months. It性视界传媒檚 been under construction a long time. We have driven on dirt, dodged construction workers, etc. Can you tell us, please, what is the expected date of completion?

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QUESTION: I have lived in Longview for many years and never received a jury duty summons. I性视界传媒檓 one of the weird people that would like to serve my county (and city). How are jurors selected in Gregg County? Many years ago I heard a rumor that jurors were selected by voter registration.

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QUESTION: We have a little home fire extinguisher we keep under our kitchen sink. It性视界传媒檚 been there for several years. Where do individuals take their little home fire extinguishers to have them checked and recharged?

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QUESTION:聽I have an older friend that lives alone in a city near Houston. She recently received an email that she could tell was a fraud because the person asked her to deduct money from her bank account to the tune of several thousand dollars to help pay off a gambling debt in Russia.

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QUESTION:聽I性视界传媒檝e been seeing a lot of vehicles marked "police" with flashing light bars, etc. especially in work zones. When you get close enough, they often turn out to be a 性视界传媒90s Ford sedan or other retired cop car.

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QUESTION: I saw the story about Premiere High School. Can any person any age who does not have a high school diploma attend? How large is this location? How many spaces are available?

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QUESTION: The city of Longview is considering a spay-neuter ordinance. My husband was recently bitten by a dog while he was out on a run. This house has previously had multiple calls about loose dogs, and the dog has bitten people before. It was quarantined and then released to the owner, bu…

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I haven性视界传媒檛 met a movie by M. Night Shyamalan that I didn性视界传媒檛 want to invite into my living room and ask it to stay for a while 性视界传媒 性视界传媒淭he Sixth Sense性视界传媒 and 性视界传媒淯nbreakable性视界传媒 among other movies.

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QUESTION: Someone in my neighborhood has left a pile of brush and limbs in the road for months. It性视界传媒檚 not in their yard but on the street. Not only is it unsightly but poses a hazard for traffic in that area.

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QUESTION:聽Where we live is near where H. G. Mosley crosses Judson and becomes Delwood. There is a lake on the north side of Delwood (just across from Hardin性视界传媒檚 Ace Hardware). There are ducks that live in that lake that sometimes go across Delwood to a small creek that is to the east of the cleaners by the hardware store.

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QUESTION: Someone in my neighborhood has a utility trailer parked in the front yard. I was hoping that Longview has a code or a rule that prohibits the permanent placement of rolling equipment on non-paved areas.

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QUESTION:聽There was a story this week about an apartment fire in Longview, and there were pictures showing the firefighters fighting the fire. I noticed their helmets are different colors. Are these color-coded by job responsibility or rank or something?

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QUESTION: Having read the news article about the new Cargo restaurant and entertainment center, my neighbors and I have a question. We live off Hollybrook and are wondering about the noise that might be coming our way when they have concerts in their new outdoor theater.

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QUESTION: Are there any programs or presentations done in this area that explain some basics about AI? What it is, how it is used and possible pitfalls (scams)? I think it might be useful, especially to seniors with somewhat limited tech skills that need the better understanding.

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QUESTION: I saw a story on KLTV that talked about the city of Longview checking for lead pipes in the city. Is this something homeowners with older houses should be concerned about?